What We Believe

Community of Faith Presbyterian Church is part of the Presbyterian Church ((U.S.A.).

As a Church in the Christian tradition, we share with other Christians a faith in God the creator, Christ the Redeemer, and the Spirit who sustains us in our faith.


As a Protestant church of the Reformed Tradition, we are part of a long history of people who believe

  • That all have fallen short of God’s good desire for our lives
  • that we are saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ
  • That as people who follow Christ’s way, we have a call to act with justice and mercy in all of our relationships

We believe that we all have access to the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit, and that we must make decisions that our conscience, through prayer and discernment, determines to be right. We look to the Bible as well as our creeds and confessions to direct us, and allow for leeway in specific areas of understanding.

Social Justice is very important to the life of Presbyterians. The General Assembly has stated that it is imperative that the church as the body of Christ, and individual members of it, take action in the face of injustice. We work for justice through a variety of avenues, including community building, financial support, attending protests and vigils, voting, and educating ourselves on issues. Our decisions about actions to take as a body are made together, while individual action is guided by our consciences understanding about the will of God for our lives.

Community of Faith is open and affirming, encouraging all people to live the lives God has called them to live regardless of age, color, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexuality.